Teacher: Mrs Jolonna Brand
Year 1/2 consists of 19 students.
Welcome to the 2024 school year. We are all looking forward to some fun and exciting adventures – as well as lots of learning opportunities. All students have begun the school year with lots of enthusiasm and excitement and I know that this will continue throughout the school year.
There are some changes occurring around the school and I invite you to make sure that you read all communication. This letter gives an outline of our week for this term as well as some areas we will be focusing on.
Communication this year will be via Sentral and our calendar is already becoming quite full with many events and activities. Please keep an eye on the calendar.
· We will have an assembly item once per term
· Year 1 will be joining with together for some activities throughout the term.
· Bond blocks will be 3 days per week.
· We will be combining with K/1 for PE – fundamental movement skills
Days with changes for 1/2 -
Wednesday – Library - Mrs Crevatin will teach a library lesson as well as a maths lesson focusing on number. Please remember to bring a library bag, Lunch and Learn will continue to occur on Wednesdays.
Thursday – bakery lunch orders to be handed in
Friday – sport, scripture and assembly (every second week), bakery lunch order day
Term 1 KLA’s focus areas -
Science- Changing materials - how can materials be changed or combined?
Geography – What factors affect people’s connection to places?
PD/H- How can we care for and include each other?
How can we be inclusive and respectful? What influences my decisions and actions to be healthy, safe and physically active?
You Can Do It.
PE – How does our body move?
What are the different ways we can move our body? How can we move and improve our involvement in physical activity?
As well as fundamental movement skills – combined with K/1
Creative Arts – Visual Arts
· make artworks representing both real and imagined situations exploring a range of techniques and media
· discuss qualities of artworks such as subject matter and technique, recognising that artists create artworks for different audiences.
Please contact the school office or email via Sentral if you have any further questions.