Although every precaution is taken, accidents still occur at school. In the event of an accident happening to your child, every effort will be made to contact either you or the person you have named as an emergency contact. Should this not be possible, the school will, on your behalf, decide whether the child should be taken to a hospital or a doctor's surgery. Your advice on treatment for your child will be sought wherever practicable, but in cases of emergency, the interests of your child will be our prime concern. The school is a registered member of the Ambulance Scheme, which also covers children during recognised school excursions. |
It is an advantage for all children to have a smock to protect their clothing during art and craft lessons. These will be kept at school and sent home periodically for washing. | ||
Normal school assemblies are held at 9.20am each morning. Following recess and lunch breaks, children line up under the COLA and are taken to their classrooms by the classroom teacher. Whole school assemblies are held fortnightly on a Friday at 2:30pm. |
Attendance at school is compulsory and pupils may only remain at home if there is a good and valid reason. All absences must be explained by a note on the child's return to school or by a telephone call to the school's office. If it is known in advance that the child will be absent, notification should be given beforehand. | ||
It is important that all children come to school correctly equipped to carry out their everyday schoolwork. Individual teachers will advise children in their class of the items they require. The following are available from the school office at nominal prices: | ||
Red and blue biros | ||
Rulers | ||
Pencils | ||
Rubbers |
Note pads |
Glue sticks | ||
Highlighters | ||
Every Friday students are able to order from the Henty Bakery, orders must be placed in the office by 9:20am Thursday. Henty Bakery Menu |
Four buses convey children from the surrounding district to and from school. Parents who drive their child(ren) more than 1.6km to school or to a bus stop may be entitled to a government subsidy. Enquiries should be made at the school office. | ||
Children who turn five prior to July 31st may enrol in Kindergarten at the commencement of each school year. Prior to enrolment, parents must produce a birth certificate and an up-to-date immunisation certificate for the child. Children with special disabilities, either intellectual or physical, may be enrolled, but individual cases must be discussed with the Principal. |
Throughout the year excursions will be arranged for pupils in different classes. These may be for sporting activities or as part of the school's educational program. In all cases, they will be thoroughly planned and will have the approval of the Principal. Written parental permission must be obtained before a child will be allowed to participate. For walking excursions within the Henty town area, a general permission note will be obtained at the beginning of term one. |
Parents should not hesitate to contact the school at any time to seek guidance as to their children's progress. Teachers are always willing to discuss matters affecting children, as it is felt such discussions benefit pupils, teachers and parents. A qualified School Counsellor, based at Holbrook Public School, visits our school regularly. The services of the School Counsellor are available to parents also and interviews may be arranged through the Principal. |
Home reading, a partnership with the school, is an integral part of your child's learning to read. | ||
A minimal amount of homework is set for pupils to:- | (a) consolidate past work, | |
(b) complete unfinished work. | ||
It is not the policy of the school to set homework as a form of punishment. | ||
Chicken Pox | Exclude until fully recovered or at least 5 days after the first eruption occurs. | |
Conjunctivitis | Exclude until discharge from eyes has ceased. |
Diarrhoea | Exclude until diarrhoea has ceased | |
Diphtheria | Exclude until receipt of medical certificate. |
Glandular fever | Exclusion is not necessary. | |
Hepatitis A | Exclude until receipt of medical certificate. |
Hepatitis B | Exclusion is not necessary. | |
Hepatitis C | Exclusion is not necessary. | |
HIV | Exclusion is not necessary. | |
Whooping Cough | Exclusion for 14 days after onset of coughing, depending on NSW Health Department recommendations (Pertussis) | |
The "Kalori" (pronounced KER-LOR-EE) is the official newsletter of the Henty Public School and is forwarded home each fortnight to serve as a means of communication between the school and the home. "Kalori" is an Aboriginal word meaning "message stick." | ||
Our library is a modern facility that many other schools envy. The design of the library allows it to be used flexibly for a range of activities, classes and groups. The library is the information centre of the school. It has a critical role in teaching students how to manage information. This skill is central to all their future learning and has an extremely high priority at Henty Public School. All pupils borrowing books should have a drawstring library bag measuring approximately 40cm by 25cm, to protect books while carrying them to and from home. |
It is important that all items of children's clothing are clearly labelled with the child's name. This also applies to items such as lunch boxes, school bags, pencils, rulers, etc. While every effort will be made to locate owners of lost property, the school cannot be held responsible for any item lost. |
Students are able to order every Friday from the Henty Bakery. Orders must be placed into the front office by 9:20am Thursday. Children are not allowed to go up the street at either recess or lunchtime to purchase lunch items. |
Parents should endeavour to see that items either ordered for lunch or brought to school provide a sound nutritional diet for children. Each child should have something for recess as well as lunch. During hot weather, children should bring a cold drink. Three refrigerated coolers provide cold water for the children in the playground area. |
Religious Education classes are taken by visiting clergy and lay teachers each Friday morning 10:30am-11:15. All pupils will be placed in these classes according to the information given on the child's enrolment form, unless otherwise requested by parents. |
Progress reports on each child are sent home each semester. These are intended for parents' guidance and may be followed up by a parent/teacher interview if desired by either party. | ||
Navy school bags (back pack type) are available for purchase at the school office. | ||
Prior to the commencement of each school year the Principal, in conjunction with the School Evaluation & Planning Committee, prepares a school budget outlining the school's estimated income and expenditure for the year. This budget, while remaining flexible, forms the basis for the school's financial program. |
At the end of each year, pupils elect School Captains for the following year. These children have certain responsibilities, such as chairing school assemblies, welcoming visitors, assisting staff and representing the school at various functions. | ||
Normal school hours are from 9.20am to 3.05pm, with a recess break from 11:15am- 11:50pm and lunch from 1:15pm- 1:50pm. The school playground is not supervised prior to 8:50am each morning and children should not arrive at school before this time. | ||
Henty Public School is one of the main feeder schools for Billabong High School, situated at Culcairn. Pupils who satisfactorily complete Year 6 are eligible to enrol at Billabong High. Free bus transport is provided. | ||
The Student Council, with representatives from each class, exists to provide pupils with a voice in the running of the school. Regular meetings are held and members discuss suggestions for school improvements. These are then forwarded to the staff for appraisal and possible implementation. |
From time to time teachers are absent through illness or attendance at Training and Development Courses. On these occasions, an approved casual teacher will take charge of the absent teacher's class. If such a teacher is not available, the class will be divided amongst remaining teachers. |
Henty Public School has developed successful orientation programs in conjunction with Billabong High School and the Henty Early Childhood Centre to prepare children for commencement of the next stage of their education. | ||
Outside bodies are welcome to use the school's facilities for meetings, etc provided that these in no way interfere with the normal running of the school. A fee may be charged to cover the cost of gas and electricity. |