Henty Public School

Achievement for all in a safe and respectful environment

Telephone02 6929 3184


MC Class

Multicategorical Class

Once upon a time, Gugubarra transformed into a magical fairytale land. From the adventures of Little Red Riding Hood to the timeless tale of Cinderella, we will explore the enchanting world of stories, delving into the elements that make a fairytale — the settings, characters, and, of course, the happily ever afters.

In addition to our classroom activities, students will have the opportunity to engage in exciting extracurricular events such as Boccia, come-and-try athletics, and tenpin bowling.

Our students participate in a variety of learning activities that mirror those of a mainstream classroom, with a focus on tailored adaptations that support sensory, cognitive, social, emotional, and physical needs.

Gugubarra is a multi-categorical classroom, offering diverse learning strategies to help each student reach their full potential. Under the guidance of the classroom teacher, Mrs. Bullock, and student learning support officer, Suzie, students receive targeted support to work towards their PLSP goals and identified learning needs.